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Where is the appointed Prime Minister, Fritz William Michel?

Since the last failed session on the vote on the Prime Minister’s policy statement to the Senate of the Republic, there has never been a mention of Fritz William Michel. However, the latter has not yet submitted his resignation to the President of the Republic, Jovenel Moise. What did he become ?

After the resignation of the appointed prime minister, Jean Michel Lapin, the President of the Republic, Jovenel Moïse made the choice of Fritz William Michel, on Monday, July 22, 2019, as appointed prime minister. This choice was made in consultation with the presidents of the two (2) chambers of parliament, including Carl Murat Cantave and Gary Bodeau, according to the head of state who sees in this appointment an action that can allow the main actors to face to the urgencies of the hour.

Aged only 38, a former official of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEI) and former ministerial cabinet minister of resignation Ronald Gray Décembre, not very well known type of Haitian politics. In keeping with his capacity, a segment of the Haitian population already saw in him a young man who could raise the bar of the country.

On the other hand, for the people who are part of the opposition, the latter does not have the political maturity to lead the country’s boat. It is important to note that even relatives of the PHTK have declined the choice of Mr. Michel. According to them, he is not the man of the moment.

76 MPs voted on Michel’s policy statement.

On Tuesday, September 3, 2019, after a tormented day, following the ransacking of the meeting room by opposition MPs who wanted to prevent the holding of the ratification session General Fritz William Michel’s general political statement, however, the meeting was held by the deputies allies of power. And, this meeting allowed the appointed prime minister to obtain a vote of confidence in front of the lower house, where the meeting ended with 76 votes in favor, zero against and 3 abstentions.

Fritz William Michel failed twice before the Senate.

After ratifying by the lower house, the prime minister needs a vote favorable to the big body to become tenant of the prime minister. In this sense, a session was scheduled for September 11, 2019. To defeat this session, the opposition senators have facilitated the population to tread the lawn of Parliament.

Following this event, the president of the Senate, Carl Murat Cantave is obliged to postpone this meeting for September 23. A date that the number one of the senate could not respect. Indeed, from very early on we found feces inside the big body. And, again the meeting is not held, therefore the PM is blocked before the Senate can not be ratified.

The involvement of Fritz William Michel in cases of corruption.

According to Senator Sorel Jacinthe, the Prime Minister named would have given a sum of 100,000 US dollars in exchange for a vote in favor of the following senators: Dieudonne Luma Étienne, Jacques Sauveur Jean, Kedlaire Augustin, and Wilfrid Gelin.

According to Senator Jean Renel Senatus, it was the businessman Renoyd Deeb who gave the Prime Minister 500,000 US to buy the senators’ votes. The state official is also involved in an overcharging, selling kids in the Haitian state. For several days or so, no one has heard of the appointed prime minister.

In his latest address to the nation, President Jovenel Moise announced the formation of a national unity government. Which explains why the number one of the nation disassociates with the choice of Fritz William Michel as appointed prime minister.

Despite the announcement made by President Moïse about the formation of a national unity government, Fritz William Michel has not yet resigned. And, no one has ever heard of him. However, he continues to receive his salary and the various expenses offered to a prime minister.

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