ven. Oct 18th, 2024

Le Quotidien News

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New agreement to end the crisis signed between the PHTK party and allies

2 min read

For several months, the country is plunging into a socio-political crisis. After several unsuccessful attempts, on December 5, 2019, political parties, party groups and organizations as well as civil society organizations reached an agreement at Ritz Kinam II, in Pétion-Ville, for an outcome of the current crisis.

The signatory parties of this agreement do not opt for the resignation of the president but rather in favor of a peaceful and durable solution which must pass by the establishment of a government of national union with in mind, a prime minister of consensus.

This new agreement between the PHTK and allies rules on the methodology of choosing the new prime minister through a published document. According to this document, the Prime Minister’s main role will be to put an end to the recurring political disturbances that destroy the foundations of the rule of law and disrupt the functioning of almost all the activities of the national life.

Through this same document, the signatories of the agreement advise Jovenel Moïse to seek this consensus with the organized political and social forces of the country in order to initiate himself the process of dialogue leading to the formation of the government of consensus for a change in the living conditions of the population.

This proposal of exit of crisis signed between the PHTK and allies supports a government where the chief will be named by presidential decree. Then, together with the president, the head of government can form his ministerial cabinet after extensive consultations with the forces of the country.

Recall that several political parties, groups and political groups and civil society organizations like: LAPEH, Verite, TÈT ANSAMM, PHTK, Ansanm Nou Fò, PARASSOL, Consortium, SHIELD, PATRAYIL and KID signed this agreement.

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