23 février 2025

Le Quotidien News

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The UEH hosted the meeting of RESCIF delegates in Haiti

On 27-28 November 2019, the State University of Haiti (UEH) hosted at the Marriott Hotel, the meeting of the Réseaux d’excellence des Sciences de l’ingénieur de la Francophonie (RESCIF). A meeting that aims to strengthen links and explore opportunities for exchange and collaboration between the 15 member institutions of this inter-university network.

After Montreal last year, the RESCIF delegates’ meeting was held in Haiti with representatives from several RESCIF member universities, including the UEH. An opportunity for delegates to discuss and decide on new decisions for the smooth running of their network.

Three important points were on the agenda in this meeting: Firstly, we talk about the management of RESCIF in relation to everything that is contribution and budget revision. Second, a review of the activities of RESCIF’s joint laboratories, such as (CARE: Asian Center for Water Research; (CRAPU: Center for Research and Support to Urban Policies); (BIG DATA), etc .; tertio , the influence of RESCIF on how to increase members’ interest and the ERASMUS mobility project.

The kick-off ceremony for the RESCIF delegates meeting took place in the presence of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the UEH, Professor Hérold TOUSSAINT, Director of Research, Professor Bogentson ANDRE, the dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Professor Jocelyn LOUISSAINT, Professor Jacques Blaise, Vice-Rector for Research and Professor Nyangona Gonomy, director of the Department of Rural Engineering at the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine and delegate of the UEH within the RESCIF.

And a scientific symposium was jointly organized by UEH and RESCIF on the theme « Water challenges ». The theme has been broken down, through different interventions, into several sub-themes, such as: Water Resources, Water for Nutrition, Water for Health, Water and Energy, Water Pollution, Water Risks . The holding of this conference served as an opportunity for the launch of a new RESCIF joint research laboratory on water and the environment called « Center for Research and Expertise on Water-Environment Risks » (CERI-EE ). Remember that this new laboratory comes from the Research Group in Rural Engineering of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine of the UEH.

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