Send sexual SMS to a person who has not consented to this game, a type of sexual harassment ignored
3 min read
Via social networks or from the telephone company directly, some use the call, others, text messages. In young people, in telephone conversations, the series of messages is often used to communicate, which sometimes brings to the recipient’s dignity when it is of a sexual connotation and comes without his consent.
Today, information and communication technologies are in the
spotlight. The mobile phone, an object of technological prestige and curiosity
in its infancy, finally becomes a commodity. Some use it wisely, others abuse
it. With this excessive abuse, there is a rapid trivialization of conversations.
Sandia is a student in spatial planning at the State
University of Haiti (UEH) said victim of this practice. « There are often
messages from known or unknown numbers that always have sexual overtones
without my consent. By answering these types of messages, I always try to bring
the person back to order. If it persists, the best solution is to block
it », she says.
Sexual harassment occurs when a person is repeatedly
subjected to sexual remarks or behavior that offends his or her dignity because
of their degrading or humiliating character. « Once the person continues
with his advances through messages against my will, I do not feel
comfortable, » said Yasmida who is a victim. « It’s offensive and
disruptive behavior, generating a sense of anxiety and unease », she says.
« When I have a type of harassment of this kind, I ask
myself this question: » Who does this person take me for? « She asks.
My reaction is to speak to her for the first time in order to reprimand her and
if this person persists, the best solution is to ignore his next
messages », says the girl.
Current central criterion for sexuality not socially
According to Gerald Lebrun, student in psychology, to talk
about sexuality non-problematic, there must be consent, that is to say, to give
primacy to the acceptance or refusal of the individual to engage in this
activity.This current model refers to that Michel Foucault calls « the
device of sexuality » according to which the agreement of the partner is
required, the override makes sexual intercourse illegitimate.The consequences
are also that sexuality has become a private affair, individualized and
susceptible of social sanction s there are no res pect or non-consent.
What does Haitian law say about harassment?
For Mr. Givelt Vilmeus, sexual harassment is not mentioned in
the Haitian Penal Code. What underlies the fact that in the current state of
our criminal law, there is no text that defines this phenomenon subject to
penal sanctions in other legal systems. « It is an infringement of the
right to the physical or moral integrity of the human person. It is a form of
sexual assault, « says Mr. Givelt that specifies that there is in the
Haitian penal code a section devoted to the study of sexual assaults even if no
definition is provided, much less an enumeration different cases that are taken
as such. We want to talk about articles 278 and following of the code cited
above modified by the decree of July 6, 2005.
Moreover, according to Mr. Givelt, if we make a doctrinal
consideration, we will see that the sexual assaults are divided into two
categories:-the violent sexual assault that includes rape;-those
without violence such as sexual exhibition, indecent assault, sexual harassment
that can be committed even by electronic means. « If it were allowed to
reason by analogy in law, one could say that because sexual harassment is punishable
under the aforementioned articles that are the penalty of 10 years of hard
labor at least ». But in this case, we would be faced with a sanction that
is far too severe insofar as the offense is classified as a crime in other
legal systems.
Pity! The Haitian legislator must, without any form of trial,
take his responsibility to update the body of law in this area since the
phenomenon is very common in all levels of society. In this context, the
legislator must define all offenses, each by its constituent elements. And
judges will have easily said the right when it comes to dealing with cases of
sexual harassment.