The mutiny at the Gonaïves Civil Prison led to mass rapes
2 min read
The detainees were unable to escape the Gonaïves prison as they intended on Thursday, November 7, but they had the time to inflict terrible suffering on the prisoners by violating them savagely for a whole night.
The event that took place at the Gonaïves Civil Prison in the afternoon of Thursday, November 7 was not just a rebellion of prisoners facing a difficult situation. Indeed, the 13 women imprisoned in this penitentiary had been gang raped by the prisoners during this incident.
With the exception of one of the inmates who was protected by her husband, also a prisoner, the other women were each raped by 11 or 12 men, reports Michelet Dorgil, Men Ansanm Coordinator for Defans Dwa Moun (MEDA) , an organization fighting for the respect of human rights in the city of independence.
The rapists had no pity on a teenager who was also in the wrong place at the wrong time. Under the age of 18, she was raped in turn by several of the mutineers.
« These gang rapes were committed at the beginning of the mutiny specifically around 2 pm and continued throughout the night, » regrets the coordinator of MEDA before specifying that police officers who were on the scene claiming to have heard the screaming of the victims during the incident.
Prisoners who tried to escape after three days without meals or water first attacked a prison officer whom they disarmed. They later blew cell door locks before heading to the women’s ward.
Following the tragedy, the victims were taken to Saint-Marc for medical care by the organization Zanmi Lasante / Partners In Health. These prisoners are currently being treated prophylactically to prevent sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies that may result.
For several weeks, informations disseminated through the press already reported the lack of food facing some prison centers in the country.
This escape attempt caused 1 death, one injured and left 13 lives to rebuild.
Marc Andris Saint-Louis