After denouncing, what he calls, the culture of a fixed thought, the president of the PARASOL party, Yvon Bonhomme, draws the attention of all, especially politicians, to the risk of Haiti disappearing because of climate change not taken into account in the country. The environment is the least of the worries of the political actors who persist in quarreling for power, condemns the president of PARASOL. To this end, he advocates dialogue in order to catch up with the bandwagon while inviting the Head of State to continue to expand his hand in order to achieve the implementation of the Government of National Unity.
At a press conference on Friday, November 15, the PARASOL party made seven proposals to the executive. He recommends the continuation of the discussions and the implementation of a government of national unity as soon as possible; the need for the head of state to decree on the country, the day after the installation of the government in question, the state of humanitarian economic and environmental emergency on the country; to establish a plan for economic recovery ravaged by this crisis, he says, formatted by an obsessed opposition to power by force; come back in a practical way with the government’s decision to reduce the lifestyle of the state. PARASOL also offers the active participation of people with reduced mobility in finding the solution to the crisis; the integration of the most vulnerable category (peasants, handicapped people, informal traders) into the national economy. Finally, the party calls for transparency in the executive’s fight against all the private sector commercial enterprises that have stripped the state through badly executed contracts.
On the other hand, the president of PARASOL says to note with what contempt the political actors deal with the phenomenon of climate change. In Haiti, regrettably, he regretted, the senseless battle for power did not allow the actors to look at the danger hanging over the nation. « Haiti is in danger of disappearing if nothing is done to turn the tide.In this sense, we are launching a vibrant call to all indistinctly to understand that the issue of climate change is an imperative.Parasol tells anyone who wants to hear that the question of the environment is a necessity: there can be no economic development and public security without taking this factor into account « , informs the DG of the MHAVE which reviews the different regions already victims of this scourge. On the other hand, politics is attacking opponents of power who are tightrope by focusing on the political crisis they have, he said, engendered without taking the time to assess its impact, look at the country in whole, analyze the major challenges facing the world and the major threats that lie ahead. Yvon Bonhomme further goes to war against this trend of fixed idea while condemning the dictatorship of the minority compared, he says, to the majority that continues to decapitalize the middle class and the proletariat. The political leader says, in the aftermath, regret, to see that it is the assembly of France, the Canadian and American parliaments who try constantly to shake the leaders to sensitize them on the existing necessities. This proves, exclaims Yvon Bonhomme, that foreigners are more sensitive to our compatriots than those who claim to want to defend us.
Observing with disgust the indifference of the antagonists, politics reminds the opposition that the dialogue is inevitable inviting them all time, to put aside their pride. Solidarity with all the layers that this crisis directly or indirectly affected the dyaspora, Yvon Bonhomme, asks the youth not to be manipulated because, the barricades, unlike what the opposition believes, does not is not their future. He urges her to put pressure on the school to regain its rights so that it can prepare for a more reassuring and certain future.