14 février 2025

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Delivering Customer Value

Customer value models are based on assessments of the costs and benefits of a given market offering in a particular customer application (Anderson and Narus,1998). It is important to define value and measure it, and how to consider the value of products and services to customers.

Providers need to understand what its customers value and would value. Some customers would like suppliers to understand the own requirements, without truly know what the achievement worth. Many Suppliers take this opportunity to highlight the value of what they provide and show to customers how to make better purchasing resolutions. Many suppliers in the business market become conscious of what customers value to build up or acquire marketplace over their competitors who do not pay attention to that.

Keep customers informed and engaged by leveraging messaging for feedback. A brand can learn valuable lessons about what’s working and what’s not working, giving customers a way to communicate their preferences, which will certainly come in handy for marketing personalization later. (Mullen,2020). The impacts of COVID-19 in the economic system influence the actions of various industries, customer service is getting more interest. During the crisis, it is important to concentrate to real communication across right channels, that can help to educate and advise customers and potential ones, reduce frustrations for both marketers and customers in the course of the difficult time. Organizations need to find out how to consider business as usual with crisis -sensitive message, companies can also use appropriate communication tools.

It does not take an expert to understand the benefit of being able to deliver fast results to the customer. However, there are key points vendors should consider when looking to shorten time to value and ensure customer success. (Stewart,2020). How to minimize the time between acquiring a new product or service and realizing its business benefits and customers satisfactions.

Nowadays strategic decisions making are very important for providers to grow their business, improve their goods and services offering, consolidate their customer experience and keep ahead of their competitors. There is not a universal perspective, providers must evaluate on a case-by-case basis like one client might need a bit more attention than another. Virtual assistants and/or online tutorials can help customers begin to use new business services. It is good to help customers increase their value using business results with the help of technologies and services, still there are more things that providers themselves can do to raise customers value. We need to organize how to work to focus on things that really matter to customers. Providers must practically analyze which actions or processes can be ameliorated and will deliver the most value if executed correctly.

Though it is difficult to quantify the value of these chance encounters or informal network sessions, the effects will undoubtedly be felt throughout the impacted industries.The COVID-19 agitates business and consumer behavior on a large scale. Every sector is trying to slow the spread of the illness and the COVID-19 infections. At the same time, the economic consequences are broad and bring out change across industries and customers value. As the pandemic brought on by COVID-19 incredible change to the global market, that has various effects on consumer behavior, sale, communications strategies, the global business, customer value and more.

Many people stay home watching television, using electronic devices to watch online videos, focus more on social media. Some people prefer order products online instead of going to the stores. It is difficult to have face to face and deliver good customer value in stores. However, customers still want to make sure that they receive good products and services with great value from the company. Trust is necessary for value, it is mostly online, it is the time of the virtualization of products and services and consumer experience. Customers are really care about the value that organizations provide to them. It is important to focus on real value that you provide to your clients and offer different option proposals.

The media plan determines the best way to get the advertiser’s message to the market. In a basic sense, the goal of the media plan is to find that combination of media that enables the marketer to communicate the message in the most effective manner to the largest number of potential customers at the lowest cost. (Belch & Belch 2009).

MScM, Master of science Management, Eastern Nazarene College, Massachusetts USA

Doctoral Student, Doctoral Business Administration (DBA), Liberty University, USA.


Business insider intelligence Mar 13,2020.www.Businessinsider.com

https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2020/04/22/transforming-messages-to-deliver-customer-value/April Mullen

https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/05/05/15/bringing-time-to-the-customers-ddoorstep/Craig Stewart

Belch, G.E., & Belch, M.A. (2009). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (8 th ed.) New York, NY: Mc Graw-Hill/Irwin

Heilbrunn, J. (1995). Marketing Encyclopedia : issues and trends shaping the future.

American Marketing Association. Chicago, Illinois.

Keillor, B. D. (2013). Marketing in the 21 st century and Beyond: Timeless Strategies for success. Condensed ed., Praeger, Santa Babara, California.

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